Breast Augmentation

Woman covering up with a shirt in a chair

Breast Augmentation in Dallas, TX

Breast augmentation is among the most popular plastic surgery procedures and has some of the highest patient-satisfaction ratings when performed by a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Breast augmentation uses implants to enhance the size and shape of your breasts and give you a more balanced and feminine figure. The procedure can add volume to naturally small breasts, restore volume that has been lost after pregnancy and breastfeeding or weight changes, and improve symmetry between the breasts.

Dr. Yash Avashia has the medical skill and expertise, along with an exceptional understanding of body aesthetics, to create subtly beautiful and natural-looking results with breast augmentation — results that are tailored to your unique proportions and lifestyle. To learn more about how breast augmentation in Dallas might enhance your body and boost your self-esteem, contact Dr. Yash Plastic Surgery or call our office at (469) 249-9615 to schedule a consultation. 

How Might I Benefit from Breast Augmentation?

There’s a good reason breast augmentation is such a popular cosmetic surgery option. The enhancements from the procedure can:

  • Increase breast fullness and projection
  • Improve the shape of your breasts
  • Restore lost volume due to pregnancy, weight reduction, or aging
  • Create a more rounded breast shape
  • Make your breasts more symmetrical
  • Improve the overall balance and proportions of your figure
  • Increase your confidence and self-esteem
  • Help you look your best in clothing and swimwear and expand your clothing options

For all of the benefits of breast augmentation, it won’t correct significant sagging. If your breasts sag, with your nipples positioned below the crease under your breasts, a breast lift is the better solution. A breast lift alone will raise the position of your breasts and can improve their shape and firmness for a younger look. A breast lift in combination with breast augmentation can raise, reshape, and add volume to your breasts for a more comprehensive enhancement.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation in Dallas, TX?

If you’d like to increase the size and improve the shape of your breasts, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. You must be at least 18 years old for saline implants or 22 years old for silicone implants.

The best candidates for breast augmentation:

  • Are in good general health
  • Have realistic expectations for the results of the procedure
  • Don’t smoke, or are willing to avoid tobacco and nicotine use for a period before and after surgery
  • Are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are prepared to rest and follow all post-operative instructions during recovery

In your consultation with Dr. Yash, he will review your medical history, listen to your goals for the procedure, and determine if breast augmentation is a good solution for you. He values transparency and will have an open discussion with you about your breast enhancement options.

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Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of Dr. Avashia’s process. He feels strongly that he needs to educate patients on what gives them the most value, and he focuses on what should be done instead of simply what could be done. He will only recommend procedures that will help achieve your goals. Dr. Avashia knows that not everyone “needs the knife,” and he will recommend nonsurgical solutions when appropriate in order to give you a more minimally invasive solution to achieve your goals.

Dr. Yash in a suit

Whether you’re looking to reverse the signs of aging or improve the appearance of a specific area of your body, Dr. Avashia can help you achieve your desired goals. Visit Dr. Yash today to learn more.

How Is Breast Augmentation Customized for Each Patient?

Breast augmentation is a highly customized procedure, which can be tailored to your body and your preferences with a number of choices and variables. Dr. Yash will advise you on the decisions about these options, which include:

The two main implant types are silicone and saline. Both types are enclosed in a flexible outer shell made of silicone.

  • Silicone implants are filled with a thick, stable silicone gel that has a density and consistency that approximates natural breast tissue. Many women prefer the natural feel of silicone implants. The gel in a silicone implant is thick enough to stay in place for some time, even if the outer shell leaks or ruptures. When a silicone gel implant ruptures, it must be removed or replaced within a year or two to prevent the silicone from spreading into the surrounding tissue. “Gummy bear” implants use an even thicker, form-stable silicone gel that does not change shape or move into surrounding tissue in the event of a shell rupture.
  • Saline implants are filled with a sterile saline (saltwater) solution. While saline implants do not have quite the same natural feel as silicone implants, they present no health risk if the shell leaks or ruptures. In the event of an implant rupture, the saline solution is naturally absorbed and processed by the body. The rupture is easily detected, too, as the implant deflates and the breast reverts to its pre-augmentation volume. When this happens, it may be a cosmetic concern, and it may be desirable to replace the implant, but it is not a health issue. The Ideal implant is a newer saline option. It has internal compartments so that a leak in one will not lead to deflation of the entire implant. The sections within the implant also give it more stability and a more natural feel.

Implant profile determines the projection of your breasts. While size measures the overall volume of the implant filling, profile measures its thickness or depth. Two implants of the same size can have very different profiles if one is wider and flatter and the other is narrower and taller.

Implant size is the overall volume of the implant. The larger the implant size, the more dramatic and noticeable your augmentation will be. The choice of implant size will depend on your anatomy and the change you desire to make. Dr. Yash follows a tissue-based approach that will help you decide on the optimal implant size based on your anatomy.  He will balance both your desired goal with your anatomy to provide you an implant that adequately fits your body frame.

Breast implants can be placed below the breast tissue but above the chest wall muscles (subglandular placement) or behind the muscles of the chest wall (subpectoral placement). The choice will mostly depend on your anatomy, though your lifestyle can also be a factor. For example, if you are a devoted runner, subpectoral placement might be preferable, but if you are passionate about body-building, subglandular placement might be a better choice.

Dr. Yash prefers the submusclar approach and performs this in a majority of his breast augmentations.  

The surgery for breast augmentation involves incisions to insert the implant. The choice of incision placement will be primarily driven by the type of implant (silicone or saline) and the implant placement (subglandular or subpectoral).

  • An inframammary fold incision is made along the crease below the breast.
  • A periareolar incision is made in a half-circle around the lower edge of the areola, the dark area surrounding the nipple.

What to Expect in Your Consultation

That list of options might seem overwhelming, but don’t worry that you have to make every choice. In your consultation with Dr. Yash, he will measure your chest and breasts, ask questions to understand your goals for the procedure, and take a medical history. Based on your anatomy, your goals for the procedure, and any concerns you have, he will suggest the optimal combination of implant type, size, shape, and profile, and will explain his recommendation for the surgical approach. He will use imaging technology to help you envision your results with different choices of implant size, shape, and profile.

What Can I Expect Before, During, and After My Dallas Breast Augmentation Procedure?

Woman smiling


Dr. Yash is a partner in the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute and will perform your breast augmentation in the Institute’s state-of-the-art surgery center. The Institute is the top facility for aesthetic surgery in Dallas and among the best in the country. You will arrive on surgery day, check-in, and meet with Dr. Yash and your anesthesia provider. You will then be carefully anesthetized with general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia after being taken into the operating room with a nurse chaperone. 


Dr. Yash will perform the surgery following the plan discussed in your consultation. After making the incisions — either under the breasts or around the lower parts of the areolas —  he will insert the breast implants into pockets — either under the chest muscle or over the muscle, below the breast tissue. Once he has positioned the implants, he will close the incisions.


Breast augmentation is performed as an outpatient procedure. Once you are alert again after your anesthesia, a friend or family member can drive you home. You can then return home to begin the recovery phase. Dr. Yash will provide you with a full list of post-operative instructions for you to follow and will be available if you have any immediate questions or issues.

Let's Get Started!


What Can I Expect in Breast Augmentation Recovery?

Your breast will be wrapped in dressings and a supportive garment to promote healing, reduce swelling, and keep the implants in position. You can expect some swelling and bruising in the first few days after surgery. You can manage any discomfort with pain medication. You will be advised to rest for the first week and avoid any strenuous activity, including lifting, for the first two weeks. After that, following Dr. Yash’s instruction based on your progress, you can gradually resume more activity, building up to your normal exercise and activity level by about six weeks after surgery.

Because you won’t be able to lift anything at first, you’ll need to arrange for help at home for the first week or two. That might include help cooking, shopping, taking out the trash, or taking care of young children.

Most patients can return to office-type work after about a week. If your work involves any strenuous activity, you’ll need to adjust your activities or take more time off.

Some swelling is likely to linger beyond the first week, and it can take some time for your breasts to settle into their new shape. Final results will be visible after a few weeks and will continue to improve through the months after your surgery. Scars will gradually fade until they match your skin color after about a year.

Schedule Your Dallas Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

Contact us today or speak to our helpful front desk at (469) 249-9615 to schedule a consultation and learn how Dallas breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Yash can help you get the body you’ve always wanted. He will listen to understand what you hope to achieve from the procedure and will give you his expert recommendation on the best approach to meet your needs. Dr. Yash provides exceptional care to patients from Dallas, TX and the surrounding areas of Texas.

FAQs About Breast Augmentation in Dallas, TX

Minimizing contamination to the breast pocket is a fundamental goal in breast augmentation.  The Keller Funnel helps reduce the implant’s contact with the surrounding skin as it is placed into the breast pocket.  It helps ensure a safe placement of the implant into your breast pocket.  Dr. Yash uses the Keller Funnel for all his breast augmentations.

Dr. Yash will begin with understanding your goals for breast augmentation.  He will take extra time to fully understand your expected outcome and may request you to bring goal photos with you to the consultation.  He will then understand your chest and breast anatomy.  Everyone has different anatomy and in a majority of cases one breast is different from the other.  Based on your anatomy and expected goals, he will determine a series of implant sizes and will select the best one in the operating room based on the final fit and aesthetic result. 

Dr. Yash’s office will send you instructions on how to send them standardized photographs for him  to analyze prior to your virtual consultation. In addition to this, spend some time to think about what your goals are for breast augmentation.  Search for 2-3 goal photos to share with Dr. Yash. 

Internal Bra or Galaflex Mesh are useful tools in revision breast or secondary breast surgery.  Patients who have had prior breast augmentation and now experience a secondary deformity may benefit from the use of this mesh to reinforce and support the lower and lateral borders of the breast.  This allows the implants to stay in the right position on the chest wall, resulting in improved medial and upper breast fullness. 

The recovery after breast augmentation is predictable.  Patients may experience mild pain and soreness for the first few days upto a week after surgery.  Dr. Yash uses a multi-modal pain management regimen that includes a combination of intraoperative injections with postoperative muscle relaxants and pain medications.  Patients are normally comfortable with mild activity within the first week of surgery.  Bruising and swelling are expected parts of any surgery. Bruising improves by the end of the week, with swelling improving over the first few weeks. 

Nipple sensation should remain after breast augmentation. In certain cases of revision breast surgery or large volume augmentation, nipple sensation may change either temporarily or permanently.  Dr. Yash will go through your risks with surgery during your consultation and take time to answer any concerns you may have specific to your operation.

Patients who undergo a primary (first) breast augmentation do not need drains.  Dr. Yash uses drains only in select cases of secondary or revision breast augmentation. 

You should plan on being out of work for a minimum of 3-4 days upto 1 week after surgery.

For patients who want to achieve a natural and augmented result, Dr. Yash believes in the  tissue-based approach.  This approach is based on selecting breast implants that safely and adequately follow the anatomic parameters of a patient’s breast.  This approach has been shown to minimize secondary complications and provide a long-lasting natural result. 

Dr. Yash is highly trained in autologous fat grafting to the breast and performs it both in conjunction with implant-based breast augmentation (composite breast augmentation) or alone (breast augmentation with autologous fat grafting). Fat is taken through liposuction from various areas of your body (abdomen, back, thighs, arms) and is then processed and reinjected into the breast.  When composite breast augmentation is performed, the breast implant provides the true volume and the fat grafting is used to enhance specific areas of the breast to help camouflage pre-existing asymmetries.  Fat is commonly injected medially to provide enhanced cleavage or superiorly  for more upper pole fullness.  For patients who don’t want breast implants, fat grafting can safely be used for mild to moderate volume augmentation of the breasts. 

You should have a clear understanding of your goals.  Goal photos from patients with prior breast augmentation or non-patient photographs can help convey your goals as well. It’s important to clearly explain your goals to Dr. Yash during your consultation as this conversation helps him to determine your implant size.

Whether your breast augmentation technique involves the inframammary approach (crease approach) or periareolar approach (around the areola), the incision is short.  Anytime an incision is performed, a scar will result.  Dr. Yash understands this inevitable process and takes time to meticulously close his incisions for the best possible scar that heals in an almost imperceptible fashion.  He also provides a scar package with all his breast augmentations which includes a specific scar gel and 2-3 post-operative laser treatments to help the scar fade and soften. 

Women with breast implants can safely get screening mammograms.  Today, special mammography techniques allow us to adequately image the breast tissue without interference by the breast implant.

You should wear your post-surgical bra for the first week after surgery. Afterwards, you may transition to a sports bra for 6 weeks. During this period, do not wear an underwire bra that may irritate your incision. 

Yes, breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia. 

Breast implants are not life-long implants.  Depending on what age you undergo breast augmentation, you will likely need future surgery.  This is not necessarily a complication, but rather a normal part of the breast augmentation process. Aging is an inevitable process. As our aging breast tissue changes relative to the static implant, patients may require secondary surgery to help preserve shape and size.  These  secondary surgeries may occur at 10-15 years after the breast augmentation.

Dr. Yash uses dissolvable sutures for all breast augmentations.  No sutures need to be removed.